Tuesday, July 1, 2008

How to make a bloody Mary, Agler and Sidewinder Style

So, unfortunately this video is incomplete because the camera ran out of batteries while we were recording it. The video is still hilarious though so we're putting it up anyway. The recipe for success is equal parts vodka and tomato juice, with clam juice, Louisiana hot sauce, Worcestershire sauce, pepper, and sardine bits added in (try it). We were sitting in the bushes outside the train yard in Eugene Oregon trying to beat the heat when this was recorded. That was over 2 weeks ago at this point, but bear with us, we're trying to catch up. We now have massive amounts of footage to edit and limited time. We're in Bellingham right now. We got here last night at around 10:30. Yesterday was hotter than hell, and we rode 60 miles from Vancouver in the Sun, and Millz broke 3 spokes and got 3 flat tires. It's all fixed up now.We are fortunate enough to be staying on an awesome piece of property owned by our friend River. It is an old rock quarry that is now filled with water. This morning we jumped of a 60+ foot cliff, and built a bike ramp to launch off of (the ramp doesn't launch off of the cliff though, we aren't that crazy). Tomorrow we head back down to Seattle again. There's going to be a badass dead baby bike ride with flaming bikes of Death on the fourth of July, and we wouldn't want to miss that. We're hoping to get more videos up soon, stay tuned.


bearvsgriffin said...

im bummed the camera ran out.

look forward to seeing you all again in augusto

woodpecker said...

So glad this is up. You guys are doing awesome stuff. Am going to be on the trails for 2 weeks with Cyd starting tomorrow. See you fellows.

McDougal said...
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McDougal said...

would love to see the flaming bikes of deth films you shot. when do you suppose those are coming? they'd feature nicely in the beautiful documenting of your trip.

yours truly,
captain america