Tuesday, July 29, 2008

i can almost taste santa cruz

so we have been in stinson beach since fridy and it is now tuesday. we are going to ride over mount tam and across the golden gate bridge tonight to enter San Francisco. i was able to make some money on this trip after all! i painted the truck for the Farm will works for! and added 60 new pictures

plus check out a little clip of some flaming bikes of death on brought to you by chunk 666 on the 4th of july

Monday, July 21, 2008

rolling on down the coast

yo so we have taken a day of rest is the foggy coast town of Arcata. but its time to the the old dusty trail again. after ry fixes his spoke of course. we will find hwy 1 in leggett in about 100miles.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

more tidbits

ry finally got a package with his camera cable in it so we could get all his photos into the comp. so here is a grip ton of photos from the trip

Its Bellingham yo

So we booked it out of Canada and in two days we landed our buts in Bellingham Washington. heres a little peek


So this an edit from Vancouver that Ry whipped up. that shit was kind of nuts. We were there for two nights. there was a costume party at our community bikes the 1st night. we jammed hard with our homie YANO on main street. that clip will come out in full soon. but yeah this edit ws made in between vancouver and bellingham in font of a safeway in the rain.

As far as right now We have rolled 1174 miles nd are sitting in Arcata Cali right now. since the fair we have hit Eugene and got down to Arcata in 4 days, right now we are at ry's bros house listening to howie lootz. look out for more edits coming this weekend from seattle portland the oregon country fair and beyond.


Monday, July 14, 2008


So we rode from Portland to The Oregon country fair with our friends Drift and Nate on Wednesday and Thursday. we rode all night wednesday night! The fair was fucking bananaz. I got gnarly blisters from walking like 10 miles on the 126 last night. its a long and sorted story. I definitely feel more beat up today than i have on the whole trip.that's what you get i guess when you drink joose for breakfast. our Mile count is at 815 Miles now as we sit outside the Eugene Library and charge items and drw on the sidewalk with the random downtown kids. We got our buddy David to take out gear from the fair to Eugene so we got to ride light bikes i even found a sweet ground pad on the side of the road on the ride! score-sazi. we are trying to get to Eureka by friday to meet up with our buddy Andrew for the second time this summer. More edits to come soon . gotta hit up a bike co-op tomorrow, my bottom braket is crap and my crank is about to fall off the bike, and and ry has his 6th broken spoke to fix. and simon and jaime are somewhere around here


Thursday, July 10, 2008


We,re in the town of Monmouth Oregon. It's 3:36 in the morning, MON MOUTH!!!
We're at a 24 hour Mexican restaurant in the middle of NOWHERE that has free wifi.

We've benn tripping all night riding through the darkness on rural oregon Highways with a crew of Four, and we stumbled upon this place. I can't really type much more. people are looking at me weird. I gotta go amigo! >DHOFaeShn[

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Trip pictures are up

I have started a flickr folder of all the pictures from the first half of the trip here enjoy.

What uP BEEZY's

Ryan-Hell Yes! we're in Portland again Kickin' it with Drift on the porch. When it's hot you gotta drink cold BEER! you know it. SO here's a morning update from Orcas Island, and now here's some footage from San Juan, where we kicked it hard with my homie Andrew T. who grew up there and was randomly visiting his family at the same time we were there (I haven't hung out with him in over 2 years), and some Orcas island cliff jumping. This was before we went to Canada,

Millz-Yeah, After the crowded streets of Seattle San Juan and Orcas island were exactly wht the doctor perscribed. and that cliff @ Cascade Lake was Part of the reason this whole trip came together. I could esily spend my whole summer on those islands. You know your in a chill spot when all the homies that live on the island just know to meet on the west side of the island at sunset to catch up play some hack and pass the peace pipe. That island was the hilliest spot we have hit yet.

Then we went to Vancouver island and rode to Victoria
yeah we met up with some random kids from courtney, Canada and ran around the city with them. I climbed a huge pine at the town square where there was a reggae show, and the tall ships exibit was in town. o we hung out down by the warf and took alook at those. and then we ended our right and started our morning at beacon hill park. the next day we were headed out of town when ry broke 3 spokes and just happened to do it a few hundred yards from the local bike co-op recyclistas bike shop and then we were off to ride our last ferry of the trip t mainland canada, and ride on to Vancouver!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Yet another vid for ya.

This is from our final train ride of the trip. It's the leg from Portland to Seattle. There will be many, many more in the days to come.

How to make a bloody Mary, Agler and Sidewinder Style

So, unfortunately this video is incomplete because the camera ran out of batteries while we were recording it. The video is still hilarious though so we're putting it up anyway. The recipe for success is equal parts vodka and tomato juice, with clam juice, Louisiana hot sauce, Worcestershire sauce, pepper, and sardine bits added in (try it). We were sitting in the bushes outside the train yard in Eugene Oregon trying to beat the heat when this was recorded. That was over 2 weeks ago at this point, but bear with us, we're trying to catch up. We now have massive amounts of footage to edit and limited time. We're in Bellingham right now. We got here last night at around 10:30. Yesterday was hotter than hell, and we rode 60 miles from Vancouver in the Sun, and Millz broke 3 spokes and got 3 flat tires. It's all fixed up now.We are fortunate enough to be staying on an awesome piece of property owned by our friend River. It is an old rock quarry that is now filled with water. This morning we jumped of a 60+ foot cliff, and built a bike ramp to launch off of (the ramp doesn't launch off of the cliff though, we aren't that crazy). Tomorrow we head back down to Seattle again. There's going to be a badass dead baby bike ride with flaming bikes of Death on the fourth of July, and we wouldn't want to miss that. We're hoping to get more videos up soon, stay tuned.